
More on Gigaclear work

The Parish Council has received no notification for the work currently being done on Hamshill.  The first we heard about the total road closure was a post on Facebook, just before they closed the road, from a member of the gang doing the work. Gigaclear claim to liaise "as closely as possible with the local community and Parish Councils" which is clearly not what has happened.

Gigaclear road closures

The Gigaclear rollout work has been transferred to Avonline networks and is restarting soon. We've received two road closure notices.

The Street, Coaley

This road will be closed, from its junction with Pinnells End Lane to its junction with Peters Street, from the 9th February 2022 to 23rd February 2022. This is to allow for the installation of superfast broadband by contractors working on behalf of Gigaclear.

Emergency and pedestrian access will be maintained.

Gigaclear network build update

We have heard today (2nd Nov) that the contractors, Complete Utilities Ltd, installing the fibre in the village have ceased trading with immediate effect.

Gigaclear are working to manage the consequences of this and to transfer the work to other contractors they have already engaged.

Sites with traffic management have been visited over the weekend and made safe. All equipment should remain in place.

Gigaclear will update us as soon as possible.

Road closure, 24th August

The Street will be closed between Waterend Farm and Elmcote Lane on the 24th August 2021 between the hours of 09.30hrs and 15.30hrs. This is to allow for works by BT Openreach.  This will impact people going to Cam and Dursley Station and much more time will be needed to get there.  We've been provided with the attached map of the official diversion via Far Green, Ashmead and Cam.  Note that diversions have to be able to handle all the traffic that would be expected on the closed road, so they are not always the most direct route round the closed section.

January Road Closure

Gloucestershire Highways have informed us that Frocester Hill and Peak Lane (aka Levers Hill) will be closed between 7th January and 20th January excluding weekends.  This is to allow the removal of trees infected with ash dieback.  Please see the notice and answers to frequently asked questions below.

What's on

Parish Council meeting